Snug launches integrated Code Assessment Service

Snug Projects is pleased to announce the launch of our new Code Assessment Service. Since Toby Peter-Simmonds, a Stroma registered code assessor joined the team we have been promoting the benefits of an integrated approach to sustainable design. The days of an isolated SAP calculation are over. As Winchester District trail blazes its new Local Plan requirement for all new houses to achieve Code for Sustainable Homes level 5 for energy, we are proud to be thrust into the forefront of sustainable design. It is now more essential then ever for code assessments to be developed in close communication with the design team. Offering an integrated design and assessment service under one roof ensures we are able to offer our clients the most appropriate approach to sustainability from the outset. This ultimately ensures best value for our clients and greater control over design decision making. If you would like to find out more about the benefits of an integrated design and code assessment service please give either Paul or Toby a call at our Winchester office.