Winchester Vision 2020
Snug Projects director Paul Bulkeley was asked by WINACC and the City of Winchester Trust to prepare a vision for a more sustainable Winchester in 2020. The aim was to develop a specific spatial strategy for integrating 2000 new homes as well as employment and cultural spaces into the historic city. The vision was presented to a public meeting on Saturday 6th August 2011. Paul, with the help of other local architects and second year student Olga Fiodorova put together a radical vision for the cities future. The vision identifies three locations in walking distance of the city centre where new development could be successfully integrated. The principle is to locate development in locations that are unloved and unnoticed, where new development would improve the cities historic setting and most importantly where people want to live, work and play. It worked....astonishingly the proposals received almost 100% public support. That must be almost unique in development history! If nothing else this demonstrates the importance of engaging local designers with local knowledge in large scale development proposals. We look forward to seeing where things go from here.
The full presentation can be found at